Stop Indoctrination in NC Schools

                    "He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future." ~ Adolf Hitler

Lt Gov Robinson Interview.mp4

F.A.C.T.S Task Force: Fairness and Accountability in the Classroom for Teachers and Students


Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson is seeking to provide support for parentsteachers, and most importantly, students who are willing to stand up for North Carolina's future by exposing indoctrination in the classroom and ensuring that our students are taught how to think - not what to think. The Office of the Lieutenant Governor is establishing a Task Force (FACTS) to monitor the state of affairs within North Carolina classrooms. The primary goal of this task force is to allow the voices of concerned citizens to be heard regarding public K-12 education in North Carolina.

The FACTS Task Force advisory board is composed of education professionals representing all levels of K-12 including teachers, administrators, and university professors.

Purpose of the Task Force.

  • To assist in holding local and county-level education officials accountable for what occurs in their schools;
  • To provide a safe and secure setting where education professionals can transmit concerns regarding their school without fear of retaliation;
  • To provide a central state-wide mechanism for gathering and sharing data related to parent concerns regarding public education, and to provide a mechanism for elevating awareness of concerns so that they can be addressed; 
  • To provide underrepresented parents and students a voice and an open line of communication with professional educator advocates for student experiences and outcomes;
  • To assist concerned parents in navigating the bureaucracy within our public school system.

The FACTS Task Force is requesting that parents and teachers in North Carolina help us hold the system accountable. The Lieutenant Governor’s Office is asking that you submit anything that meets the criteria listed below:

What to submit:

  • Examples of discrimination or harassment related to a student’s faith, ethnicity, worldview, or political beliefs;
  • Examples of unequal, inconsistent, or disparate treatment of students in the enforcement of school rules and/or in disciplinary matters;
  • Examples of students being subjected to indoctrination according to a political agenda or ideology, whether through assigned work, teacher comments, or a hostile classroom environment;
  • Examples of students being required to disclose details regarding their individual race/ethnicity, sexual preference, religious ideology, or economic status
  • Examples of students being exposed to inappropriate content or subject matter in the classroom, including matters relating to substance abuse, profanity, or of a sexual nature.


To submit an anonymous complaint click here.


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